Customer Service Policy
We are committed to providing world-class customer service. In connection with our core values, this means that we provide our customers with quality and value and we treat others as we would like to be treated.
We take complete ownership of providing the best possible experience for our customers. We believe that high-quality customer service depends on customer feedback. We collect feedback to help us measure whether our products are exceeding expectations. This also helps us identify problems that need to be solved.
Customer feedback comes to us in many ways. These are our procedure for responding to questions, complaints, and requests for service that come to us through phone calls, emails, letters, or visits to our offices. All our representatives are expected to use these standards and procedures for the complaints, requests, and questions they receive.
Whenever possible, questions, complaints, and requests for service will be resolved in real time on the same day they arrive. However, in some instances, referral and follow-up are necessary in order to fully understand issues and come to a resolution. In such instances, the following standards for acknowledgement and resolution will be followed by our customer service representatives:
All customer service inquiries will be acknowledged within one business day. This acknowledgement will note the person to whom the issue has been referred and when the customer can expect a response. If the customer feedback is received by phone, acknowledgement will be given verbally during the call. If the customer feedback is received by e-mail, the acknowledgement will be given by email. If the feedback is received by voice mail, the acknowledgement will be given by a phone call (or by another means if requested in the voice message). If the customer feedback is delivered by postal mail the acknowledgement will be sent via telephone, postal mail, or e-mail (whichever is most appropriate for the situation, based on the feedback we receive).
When a resolution cannot be reached in real time on the same business day it is received, a substantive response should be provided within two business days. This response will include an analysis of the issue and a proposed resolution. Clear reasons will be given if it is not possible for us to accommodate the customer’s request. The resolution can be communicated to the customer verbally, by e-mail or by postal mail, depending on the communication method most appropriate to the situation.
Response Procedures
Since customers do not always know to whom to direct their concerns, every employee is a customer service agent. When transferring a customer to someone else, SilverOnyx representatives will collect the customer’s contact information in case the line communication is disrupted.
Phone Calls
When a customer calls or visits us with a question, complaint, or request for service, the issue will be resolved immediately by one of our representatives or referred to the appropriate customer service representative for immediate resolution. If immediate resolution is not possible, the SilverOnyx representative will collect the customer’s contact information and let the customer know when to expect a response.
E-mails or Postal Letters
When a customer sends an e-mail (or postal mail) to us with questions, complaints, or requests for service, we will send an acknowledgment e-mail (or letter) within one business day. We will notify the customer if we are able to answer the question or resolve the issue immediately. If we are not able to resolve the issue immediately, we will notify the customer of the expected resolution date.